ZOOM is a former television show that aired on PBS in January 3, 1972 - July 24, 2006 For 22 Minutes
The show aired on on PBS in September 5, 1999.
The show was dubbed in Korean.
ZOOMers Cast[]
Revived Series (1999-2005)[]
Season 1 (1999)[]
Season 2 (2000)[]
- Ray Filmore
- Caroline Botelho
- Claudio Jimenez
- Alisa Besher
- Jessie Ogungbadero
- Kenny Yates
- Zoe Costello
- ZOOM Sci: features experiments to explore. Sometimes this segment features brain or surveys for which viewers to send in results.
- ZOOM Phenom: Observations or phenomenon discoveries.
- ZOOM Zinger: Challenges or interesting tricks viewers share.
- ZOOM Do: Creative handicrafts or activities.
- *ZOOM Along activities specially chosen so that with a select few materials at most, viewers can create something or perform a trick by following along as cast member on scr-en shows them how to do it in real tim-. Episodes featuring ZOOM Along segments open with a teaser telling viewers that the segment is coming up, and, as applicable, calling on them to gather needed materials if they want to follow along with the activity.
- ZOOM Game: Games and activities that are fun for a group. Zoomers sometimes form teams to compete with each other in relay races.
- Cafe ZOOM and ZOOM Znack (season 3–7): Simple recipes for viewers at home to use.
- ZOOM Playhouse: Skits and dramas by viewers and portrayed by the Zoomers.
- ZOOM Chat: Discussion on topics involving children's issues or questions from viewers.
- Zmail: Sharing of fan mail and answering questions from viewers.
- ZOOM Reviews Books (seasons 3–5): Book reviews recommended by viewers.
- What Zup: Interviews from children that answer interesting questions.
- ZOOM Vid: (seasons 1–5) Home videos and short films made by viewers.
- ZOOM Guest Special feature of children with unique talents or hobbies.
- ZOOMA Cum Laude (Seasons 1–2) and ZOOM Into Action (Seasons 3–7) pay tribute to children who volunteered in the community or done charitable deeds.
- Zoops: Viewers share their embarrassing moments. (Season 1-3) Blooper clips are sometimes shown here. (The embarrassing moments were dropped after season 3 and they were replaced with blooper clips from seasons 4-7; which was the end of the series.)
- Fannee Doolee centered on a character who likes any person, place, thing or concept with double letters in it but hates its non-double-lettered equivalent or category.
- Ubbi Dubbi Short skits that uses Ubbi Dubbi (adding the "ub" in every vowel sound in English.) Occasionally this segment is done like an advertisement.
- ZOOM Tale(s) (seasons 1–5) Original stories written and illustrated by viewers.
Although the complete series was never released in any format, four videos were released based on the show: Party with Zoom (June 22, 1999, ISBN 157807200X), The Zoomers Video Special: The Making of ZOOM! (January 11, 2000), America Kids Respond (March 20, 2001), and Zoom: America's Kids Remember (October 8, 2002). Additionally, a two-disc set with four full episodes plus various footage from all six seasons of the 1970s version was released on October 28, 2008.
Four books by Amy E. Sklansky compiled from material submitted by viewers were published by Little, Brown and Company:
- Zoom Zingers (1999, ISBN 0316952613)
- Zoom Fun With Friends (1999, ISBN 0316952753)
- Zoomdos You Can Do! (2000, ISBN 0316952761)
- Zoomfun Outside (2000, ISBN 0316952788)
Behind the Scenes on the ZOOMset! of Virtural Tour of Studio Z[]
Series notes[]
In 1999, following a 20-year hiatus, ZOOM returned to the public airwaves with contemporary visual appeal and a companion web site, but at heart it's still the same program that made it such a hit in the '70s: a show for kids, by kids, starring kids. While the content of the program is essentially the same as that of the '70s, visually, ZOOM has changed to keep up with the times. The sets are now a riot of bright, electric neons. And gone are the matching broad-striped rugby shirts; today's ZOOMers wear jeans, matching sneakers, and a mix of striped sweaters and t-shirts in complimentary blues, greens, and oranges. They're similar, yet different; part of a team, but not identical.
This time around the show's producers are taking advantage of '90s technology to pump up viewer participation. Kids are invited to take part via voice mail, e-mail, video and the World Wide Web. Kids watch the show, log onto the Web site for more information, log off to perform an activity, then log back on to report their results, which make their way onto the show in one way or another. Every correspondence is responded to with a copy of ZOOMerang, a booklet that provides kids with do-at-home ZOOM projects.
Each season of ZOOM consisted of seven average kids called ZOOMers. At the beginning of each season, some of the old cast members would leave and be replaced with new kids. Over the seven season run, there were a total of 32 kids making up the cast.
Season 1[]
Zoom 00:28 #101 [TVY] (DVS) WGBH brings ZOOM back to PBS to give a new generation of 6- to 12-year-olds a chance to explore, experiment, and share their creativity with the world. Like the original series, the ZOOM pilot features a cast of seven children who dance, sing, build bridges, solve puzzles, play games, and tell jokes. Every idea and activity on the pilot comes from kids who are credited on-air for their contributions. What' s new about ZOOM is an enhanced educational focus and an outreach campaign that makes use of new communication technologies, including e-mail, home video, and web sites. The pilot is being broadcast to get kids to send in their ideas which will in turn fuel the production of the ZOOM series - 40 half-hour daily programs to air on PBS in January 1999 to PBS's Ready to Learn lineup. Zoom 00:28 #102 [TVY] (DVS) Created for kids and by kids, ZOOM is a uniquely interactive series that features games, plays, science experiments, and other activities all based on contributions sent in by kids from across the country. Targeted to kids ages six to eleven, the series combines cutting-edge technology with an innovative outreach program to help kids ZOOM into the twenty-first century with stronger learning and social skills, as well as a greater confidence to express themselves. Zoom 00:28 #103 [TVY] (DVS) The Zoomers make some colorful art and they make a tower using straws and clay. A ZOOM viewer show how she decorated her room using double stick tape. Zoom 00:28 #104 [TVY] (DVS) Zoomers learn how to make a boat out of cardboard and they learn a new pencil game. A young figure skater shares her dream. Zoom 00:28 #105 [TVY] (DVS) The kids from ZOOM learn how to care for potted plants. Eleven year old ZOOM viewers, Maggie and Rogan, tell how they started writing music. Zoom 00:28 #106 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the gang test their physical skills when asked to link arms while sitting back to back. We also learn how to make a bean mosiac, and how to do build a spool racer and how to do a cool water trick. Zoom 00:28 #107 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Lynese shows us how to design a tye-dyed shirt, there's a peanut roll race and we learn how to make a film canister rocket. Zoom's guest for this episode is Gregory Roberts (Eagle Bear) , a 13 year old Chippewa Indian who lives in Minnesota. He takes us to a pow wow and shows us what its like to be a drum keeper. Zoom 00:28 #108 [TVY] (DVS) On this episode of Zoom, the gang is tied up in "knots" when they attempt a game called the "human knot," we find out what the favorite thing about kids' room is in the "What's Up Segment?" and in the"guest" segment, we learn how Rebekah Chapman and her sister run a "dog" sitting business. Zoom 00:28 #109 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, we learn how to build a bird feeder and we're intoduced to Zoom's guest Eric who is a young speed skater from St. Paul, Minnesota. Zoom 00:28 #110 [TVY] (DVS) We start this episode of "Zoom" off with a bubble gum race and from the kitchen of Cafe Zoom we learn how to make a "banana on a stick." Zoom's guest for this episode is 11 year old Andrey of New York who dances with the National Dance Institute. And Zoomers get together to "chat" about what it feels like to be left out. Zoom 00:28 #111 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Lynese shows us how to make homemade Vanilla ice cream, David and Zoe test the laws of science when they make their hands feel like a magnet, and Keiko shows us that boxes can be used for more than just storage. She uses boxes to create an arch. Zoom's guest is pulling the wool over our eyes. He's David Cowell, an 8 year old magician from Westport, Connecticut. David Cowell, a magician from Westport. Zoom 00:28 #112 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the "zoomers" are challenged to pick up marbles with their toes during a marble pick up game and to make a cotton ball catapult. Zoom has several guests in this episode. The first is Jim Jacobson. He has a 20 gallon aquarium with tropical fish and shows us how to set one up. Zoom's other guests are Sarah, Tristan and Patrick who show us how they spent the summer "clowning" around. Zoom 00:28 #113 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the zoomers play a game called Dr. Pretzel, and Pablo shows us how to make music. He instructs us how to make a home-made rainstick. It's a musical instrument used in Africa and South America. Zoom's guest is a "small" oceanographer in the making. Nine year old Max, who lives on Long Island, is a volunteer with the Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Center. He works with shell fish. Zoom 00:28 #114 [TVY] (DVS) On a day filled with challenges, the Cup Game eliminates Zoomers one by one until only the winner is left standing. Kids from the Weston School in Weston, MA work on designing a balloon car out of an orange box, then Keiko and Pablo try to accomplish the same feat. Zoom 00:28 #115 [TVY] (DVS) Lynese and Keiko show how to make a soda bottle float in a pool by using a baking soda and vinegar mixture, Zoe makes a flip book, and all the Zoomers act out a skit called "Where's Your Homework?" Mac from Greenwich, CT, who's been an animator since he was 7 years old, shows how to make a movie. Zoom 00:28 #116 [TVY] (DVS) The kids learn how to play two games—"Feelings" and "Beattle"—and taste-test a special spread made of peanut butter, bananas, and honey from Café Zoom. Guest Maxine Lopez of Bedford, MA talks about being the "hands and feet" behind some of photographer William Wegman's famous pictures of his two dogs, Chip and Batty, in unusual poses Zoom 00:28 #117 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode, the Zoomers face a tough challenge. They must figure out how to make a chair out of newspaper that would be able to hold the weight of a person. Zoom's guest is Hannah of Arlington, MA. She's a cartoonist that writes a comic strip called "Abigail and Pinks." Zoom 00:28 #118 [TVY] (DVS) In this episdoe of Zoom, Keiko shows us how to marble painting, straw painting and string painting. The zoomers chat about the differences between boys and girls and teach us a lesson on harmonyms. Zoom's guest is Alex, an accomplished uni-cyclist from Rhode Island. Zoom 00:28 #119 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, things get a little "sticky" when Zoe shows us how to make a bracelet out of chewing gum wrappers and a little "bitter-sweet" when Lynese, Pablo and Jared try to suck on a lemon without making a "sour" face. Zoom's guest is Sebastian of Boston, Massachusetts. He has taken up an odd hobby, collecting Madagascan cock roaches. Zoom 00:28 #120 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the Zoomers get all twisted when they try the pretzel game and Keiko shows us how to make home-made Yogurt Parfaits. Zoom's guest, Jessica shows us how she teaches her dog frisbee tricks. Zoom 00:28 #121 [TVY] (DVS) The Zoomers start off by sharing a recipe for tortillas at the Zoom Cafe and then demonstrate how kids can play the "cup game." Zoom Guest, Mary Tullar, shows how living on a dairy farm makes for an interesting and fun childhood. Zoom 00:28 #122 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, a flea circus takes center stage as Zoe demonstrates this marvel. Also, the Zoomers partake in a Zoom game with paper and straws. Zoom guest, Ragelia Luca shares her recipe for a pizza. Zoom 00:28 #123 [TVY] (DVS) At the Zoom Cafe, Pablo whips up an apple treat, and the other Zoomers learn how to build a miniature fence from a deck of cards. Zoom guest, Jessye H. explains his joy of model airplanes, and Zoomers chat about the difficulty of meeting new people. Zoom 00:28 #124 [TVY] (DVS) This episode shows us what Zoom watchers consider their own pet peeves while the Zoomers test the law of gravity with household items. Jerry N., Zoom guest, explains why he loves to build and fly model airplanes. Zoom 00:28 #125 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode, Alisa demonstrates what it takes to make a friendship bracelet. The other Zoomers try to play a Zoom Game involving pennies and good coordination, while Lynese and Zoey build a bridge out of straws and paper clips. And Laura L., Zoom Guest, describes her love for dog training. Zoom 00:28 #126 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of Zoom, opens up with the Zoom cafe showing us how to make a fruit ke-bab. Zoom's guest Emily Hazel demonstrates why she loves poetry and how it affects her life. And the Zoomers discuss the ever increasing problem of peer pressure. Zoom 00:28 #127 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode, Zoom asks how long would it take to walk aorund the world. Also, Zoey demonstrates how to make a doll out of cotton and other household products, while the Zoomers try to stare each other down. Zoom 00:28 #128 [TVY] (DVS) Water plays an integral role in this episode of Zoom as the Zoomers play a game that eerily resembles a water balloon fight. Later, Zoomers create toy boats out of cardboard and paper. And Isabella Mariano, Zoom Guest, describes a typical day for her as she works in her parents' Italian restaurant. Zoom 00:28 #129 [TVY] (DVS) A bubble race breaks out in this episode of Zoom and the Zoomers go for the gold. David shows how to make a Grade - A calzone, and Jerome T. , Zoom Guest, tells us how his love of pottery stemmed from his grandmother. Zoom 00:28 #130 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, David shows us how to make a maze out of paper towel rolls and a box. Colin Peterson and Brinton A. are inventors who scour their neighborhood Good Wills. And in Zoom Chat, the Zoomers discuss why speaking out is hard to do. Zoom 00:28 #131 [TVY] (DVS) Kids share their favorite clothing style in this episode of Zoom, and the Zoomers become involved in a very intense "winking game." Zoom guest, Lilly L. grants Zoom an inside look at the making of one of her plays. Zoom 00:28 #132 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, old newspapers are given a second chance when Jared demonstrates how to make recycled paper. Zoom Guest, Stevie S. welcomes us to the fun and mystey of a youth circus. And in Zoom Chat, the Zoomers discuss the pros and cons of popularity. Zoom 00:28 #133 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Lynese shows us how to make a doll out of yarn, while the other Zoomers share in the Zoom Games sent in by kids. Sam Anderson, Zoom Guest, gives us an overview of raising chickens. Zoom 00:28 #134 [TVY] (DVS) Pablo shows us how to make picture frames out of what everyone would normally call "junk" in this episode of Zoom. Also, Lynese shows us her design for a marshmellow tower. Joe V., Zoom Guest, demonstrates how having a disability can make your life harder, but not impossible. Zoom 00:28 #135 [TVY] (DVS) A game of charades breaks out among the Zoomers as Zoe serves up a batch of home made potato chips at the Zoom Cafe. Also, Zoom Chat explores the topic of familial relationships, especially the mother-child relationship. Heather Minor, Zoom Guest, shows how having a hearing impairment does not prevent her from enjoying her favorite activity: horse riding. Zoom 00:28 #136 [TVY] (DVS) The Zoom Cafe and Jared start off this episode with a great recipe for smoothies. Meanwhile, Zoe and Alisa shows us how to make a paper helicopter. Zoom Guest, Rita Bovy, takes us on a field trip to hunt for some frogs. Zoom 00:28 #137 [TVY] (DVS) Lynese opens this episode of Zoom with a great recipe for zebra cakes. Also, Jared attempts to make a typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich by following not-so-typical directions. Zoom Guest, Aaron Carter explains why she loves singing. Zoom 00:28 #138 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Alisa demonstrates how to make a snow globe out of an empty jar and glitter. Zoom Guest, Kevin B., completes his rounds as a stream keeper and explains why such a responsibility can be fascinating. Also, Zoomers chat about the effects and causes of prejudice. Zoom 00:28 #139 [TVY] (DVS) Jared shows us how to make intersting and exotic Jello molds by using orange peels and other fun shapes. Zoom Guest, Wendy Beckman explores the secret world of butterflies and explains why these colorful insects bring her so much joy. Zoom 00:28 #140 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Pablo shows us how to make our own chocolate covered pretzels. Zoom Guest, Gabe P. hunts for the perfect picture in Philadelphia. Also, Gabe explains how his love for photography helped him get through his grandmother's death.
Season 2[]
Zoom 00:28 #201 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "Zoom," we learn how to make a musical instrument out of a drinking straw and all the different ways to make bubbles. We also visit with 12 year old Katy of Sherman Oaks, California. Katy invites "zoomers" into her astrological world. She's an aspiring Astro-Physicist who owns a home made 10 inch reflecting telescope. Zoom 00:28 #202 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," zoomers learn how to balance a tennis ball on a spoon while running. Over at Cafe Zoom, Zoe shows us how to make taco popcorn, sugar and spice popcorn and maple popcorn. And Zoom's Guest Leang Chang of Bridgeport, CT shows us how he made his invention, a "tennis racket picker-upper." Zoom 00:28 #203 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," zoomers learn how to draw a pig blind-folded and how make a paper machee piggy bank out of an empty soda bottle. Zoomers also visit with Zachary Whitener of Long Island, Maine who collects buoys. Zoom 00:28 #204 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," zoomers learn how to make a "super" sounding drum and visit with pianist Hana G. of Los Angeles, California. Zoom 00:28 #205 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "Zoom," the kids play the Walrus game and read letters from the mailbag. They also recreate a scene involving a juice bar. Zoom 00:28 #206 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," zoomers figure out how many dots are on a basketball and how many times you can juggle a soccer ball using one's head and knees. Later, zoomers visit with two jugglers, Nikki and Walter of New York, NY. Zoom 00:28 #207 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," the zoomers perform a "balancing act" and prepares a dessert pizza. We also learn how to build a sand castle from Zoom Guest Stephen Wong. Zoom 00:28 #208 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the kids play a game with the alphabet. We also learn about Zoominums. Zoom 00:28 #209 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the kids learn to make some chocolate, peanut butter cupcakes. They learn about the circus from the kids who work and live with the Big Apple Circus. In a Zoom Sci, they test out an egg drop theory. Zoom 00:28 #210 [TVY] (DVS) A viewer challenges the ZOOMers to lie on their stomachs and tie their shoes. The "What Zup?" question is "If you could be principal for a day what would you do?" In ZOOM DO, Caroline makes wrapping paper printing with potatoes. The ZOOM Guest is Daniel, a young jazz pianist. Alissa and Zoe tell piano jokes. Zoom 00:28 #211 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers learn how to play a Haiwaiian game similar to bowling, and they figure out the zoom-do of the day - how to make a push/pull card. Zoom's guest is Davi Milsap of St. Cloud, Florida. He's an 11 year old motor bike racer who hopes to turn professional in five years. Zoom 00:28 #212 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, Zoomers teach us the clothes-pin game. Over at the Cafe Zoom, Zoe shows us how to make Lasagna roll-ups and our Zoom Guest, Kali F. of Cleveland, OH, shows us how she taught her dog to whisper. Zoom 00:28 #213 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers play a larger than life game of TIC, TAC, TOE. We also learn how to get a pencil to stand on it's tip using two paper clips and wire. Zoom 00:28 #214 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers teach us how to balance a stack of quarters while standing. Over at Cafe Zoom, we learn how to make "fruit leather," and our Zoom Guest, Natalie C. of Seattle, Washington takes us to the local farmer's market where she has been a volunteer for six years. Zoom 00:28 #215 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," we learn how to make home-made cocoa and we visit with young cowboy Julio Maestas. Zoom 00:28 #216 [TVY] (DVS) In today's episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers are challenged to recite the alphabet backwards, cut a pizza into 8 equal slices by making only three cuts and how to make a mini deep dish pizza. Our Zoom Guest is 12 year old Michael of Minneapolis, MN who builds hot-air balloons. Zoom 00:28 #217 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers learn how to make a sound machine using a coat hanger and a piece of string. Our Zoom Guest is Cherise B. of Washington, DC who shares her love of the Kenilworth Aquatic Garden where she volunteers. Zoom 00:28 #218 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers learn how to make apple crisps and meet zoom guest, 10 year old Andrew of Minneapolis, MN who builds plans. Later, two zoomers are challenged to lie on their stomach with a softball between their heads. The challenge is to stand up while keeping the ball between their head without using their hands. Zoom 00:28 #219 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers show us how to make a shadow puppet, a theater, and a potatoe battery. Zoom's guest is Anna K. of Minneapolis, MN who loves "electricity." She volunteers at the Bakken Museum of Electricity and Magnetism. Zoom 00:28 #220 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers learn how to make a D-400 paper airplane and visit with guest Casey D. of Riverhead, NY who loves fly-fishing. Zoom 00:28 #221 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," Zoomers discuss what it's like to have an older sibling. At Cafe Zoom, Claudio shows us how to make three-layer popiscles. The Zoom Guest is Leila W. of Los Angeles, CA who spends all her free time riding and taking care of her horse. Zoom 00:28 #222 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the ZOOMers talk a lot about insects. At the opening of the show, all of the kids learn how to play the spider web game. In "What Zup?" the cameras take to the streets to ask kids "What 'bugs' them." Throughout the show, Zoe introduces us to Fernando, a member of her flea circus and he performs "amazing feats." In "Café ZOOM" Alisa makes a butterfly cake. The "ZOOM Guest" is Selamena from Tuscon, AZ and she takes us on a nature hike through the desert. Zoom 00:28 #223 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with the ZOOMers playing the octopus game. In "ZOOM Phenom" Zoe and Caludio learn that running a wet finger around the rim of a glass makes a humming sound and that humming can be made higher or lower depending on the amount of water in the glass. Ray and Kenny use bottles and blow over them to make a humming sound. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young man named Terrell who talks about his love of singing/songwriting. In both "What Zup?" and "ZOOM Chat" teh topic of heroes is discussed. Zoom 00:28 #224 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" oens with a gaem of fruit tag. The "ZOM Guest" is a young man from New York City named Nick who like s to build things out of card board. He takes us through the steps necessary to build a usable cardboard chair. On "Cafe ZOOM" Alisa makes edible fruit sculptures. Throughout the show there is a recurring skit about a fly in the tomato soup. The main focus in the show is fruits and vegetables as well as parts of the body. Zoom 00:28 #225 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with a game called shoe hop. In "ZOOM Sci" the kids attempt to create their own Rube Goldberg inventions. The they showed a video of two girls who had successfully created their own machine that makes an ice-cream sundae. In "ZOOM Chat" the kids dicuss moving and the pros and cons of having to move to a new place. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young girl named Joy who lives in Paris and is both French and American and she takes teh camera around Paris and to her ballet class. In "ZOOM DO" Jessie makes sock animals. Zoom 00:28 #226 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM," the show opens with Jessie, Claudio and Caroline trying out a new Zinger. One person stands in front of an eisel with a piece of paper taped to their back, this person will attempt to draw on the eisel what someone else is drawing on the paper attatched to them. In "What Zup?" kids are asked," What is the worst lunch you've ever had at school?" In "ZOOM Do" Ray shows us how to make a wind-chime using recycled objects from around the house. Later on in "ZOOM Phenom" Alisa and Ray make a lemon crag out of a paper towel and lemon. In the "ZOOM Game" the ZOOMers play the "Jump Rope Game." The "ZOOM Guest" is a girl named Jennifer from Maine who flies model rockets. On this particular day, she is attempting to send an egg up inside of the rocket and have it come back down without the egg breaking. Zoom 00:28 #227 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with everyone playing "Four Square." In "ZOOM Do" Jessie teaches us how to make our own bulletin boards using cardboard and fabric. The "ZOOM Guest" is a boy named Henry form San Francisco, California who is very interested in China. He takes us on a tour of Chinatown, visiting some of the shops and a restaurant where he demonstrates how to use chopsticks. In "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers discuss times when they were afraid to do something but did it anyway. ANd in the "ZOOM Sci" Report Kenny, Ray and Alisa update the "ZOOMongous Backpack Challenge" with some of their own data. Zoom 00:28 #228 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the running joke throughout the show has Ray and Kenny doing a ventriliquist act with Kenny as the dummy. In "ZOOM Do" Zoe makes funny magnets of friends and family using photos of heads placed on funny bodies cut out of magazines. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young girl named Alexandra who suffers from juvenile diabetes. She explains all of the things that she needs to do in order to keep her blood sugar at normal levels including tests and insulin shots and eating the right foods. In "ZOOM Sci" Caroline gives an update on how many drops of water can fit onto a penny or a quarter. Zoom 00:28 #229 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the kids play different games using brooms. In "What Zup" the cameras pose the questions to kids, "Do you think there is life on other planets?" In "Cafe ZOOM" Alisa shows us how to make homemade granola bars. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young man from a small town in Mexico known for its guitar making. He plays guitar and we follow him as he competes in a competition. The on "ZOOM Sci" Zoe and Ray show us how to make guitars out of various sized boxes. Zoom 00:28 #230 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the kids play two games, Footsie and Guess Who. One game that requires phisical concentration and the other requires mental. The ZOOM Guest is a young girl named Susie who works, along with her sister,in her parents' restaurant. In ZOOM Do, Ray and Alisa show us how to make a top using cardboard, a pencil and some clay. In ZOOM Sci, another "ZOOM" watcher sends in their Rube Goldberg invention idea. In the ZOOM Playhouse the ZOOMers act out a re-make of "Sleeping Beauty." Zoom 00:28 #231 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with Jessie and Ray helping a viewer learn how to use her new hoola hoop. On "Cafe ZOOM" Kenny makes foods for a party, Pigs in a Blanket, Chip and Veggie Dip, and Cran-lemon Punch. The "ZOOM Guest" is Rebecca who is Cambodian as well as American. Her favorite pastime is dancing and in this segment she is performing a traditional dance at a recital. In "ZOOM Phenom" Ray and Alisa make thermometers using a bottle, clay and a straw. Throughout the show there are jokes about hot dogs. In the "ZOOM Sci Report" Jessie and Ray give us an update on the ZOOMongous backpack challenge. The ZOOMers end by playing the game "Match." Zoom 00:28 #232 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the show opens with all of the ZOOMers playing "One, two, three, stoplight." Later on in the show they also play "Popper Stomper," a game involving balloons tied around the legs of the players. In "Cafe ZOOM" Jessie shares some of the sandwich ideas sent in by ZOOM watchers, as well as the favorite sandwiches of fellow ZOOMers Caroline and Kenny. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young girl named Yenely who does the weather report for her school's televion station in Florida. On "ZOOM Sci" we get an update into the progress of Alisa, Kenny and Ray's Rube Goldberg invention. In "What Zup?" The cameras ask kids on the street, "If you were to invent a sandwich what would be on it and what would you call it?" In "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers discuss boys being friends with girls and vice versa. Zoom 00:28 #233 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with Jessie, Kenny and Alisa attempting to tie their shoes without using their thumbs. Ice cream is a recurring theme in this episode. In "What Zup?" kids are asked how many ice cream flavors they think there are. ANd in "Cafe ZOOM" Zoe makes forzen watermelon using sherbert and chocolate chips. The "ZOOM Guest" is a bit named Todd from New Jersey who loves to sail. He shows us how to prepare the saila dn what he needs to do in order to parcipate in a race. In"ZOOM Do" Caroline, Ray and Claudio try to invent a way to move a heavy object (Ray) across the room without carrying him using a board, some marbles, balloons, straws and newspapers. In "ZOOM Sci" Caroline and ALisa provide an update on the "ZOOMongous Backpack Challenge" and in the "ZOOM Game" the ZOOMers attempt to play limbo. Zoom 00:28 #234 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" Caroline, Alisa and Jessie open the show attempting to balance balls between their foreheads and noses. In a combo of "ZOOPs" and "What Zup?" kids are asked "What's the most embarassing thing that's ever happened to you?" On "Cafe ZOOM" Ray makes ice cream sandwiches and in "ZOOM Sci" Caroline and Jessie attempt to figure out a challenge involving marbles. The "ZOOM Guest" is a girl named Breezy who's favorite activity is kayaking. She is attempting to beat her best time before the summer racing season. Throughout the show the ZOOMers tell jokes involving bananas. Zoom 00:28 #235 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of "ZOOM" the show opens with the ZOOMers playing a game called rhyme time and later in the show they play another called "Never in the Olympics." In "What Zup" the question of the day is, "If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?" Later on "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers discuss if they have ever had a bad day. In "Cafe ZOOM" Jessi shows us how to make a very simple, no-bake cheesecake. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young man named Dino who has his own paper route. Finally on "ZOOM Phenom" Caroline and Jessi give us instructions on how to make a lung capacity machine. Zoom 00:28 #236 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with a staring contest. "What Zup?" asks the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" In the "ZOOM Do" Alisa makes a pinata and in the "ZOOM Game" the ZOOMers get their chance to crack it open. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young man named Emiliano from Albuquerque, New Mexico who is involved im Mexican folk dancing. In the "Zoom Sci" segment Jessi and Kenny attempt to guess how much z-mail is in the mail hamper without actually counting each piece. And in "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers discuss what they are and are not allowed to do in the house. Zoom 00:28 #237 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with Jessi and Zoe playing a game of "Pick the quarter." Later, two teams battle it out in a game of "Words from a word." "What Zup?" asks the kids on the street "What was the best present you ever game someone?" And in "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers answer the question posed by a viewer, "Have you ever been left out and if so how did you solve it?" In this segment of "Cafe ZOOM" there is a viewer in the kitchen. His name is Gordon and he shares his recipe for Drumsticks made with marshmallows, peanut butter, pretzels and chocolate chips. In the "ZOOM Sci Report" Alisa and Ray share the data collected by ZOOM watchers when they made their own tops. Zoom 00:28 #238 [TVY] (DVS) A very humorous relay race opens up this episode of "ZOOM." Then Wubbow! It's Ubba Bubby Dubby Bubby Waban! In the "Cafe ZOOM" kitchen, Ray is cooking up a seven-layer dip. The "ZOOM Guests" are brothers Jermaine and Juan. They do everything together and some of their favorite things to do are cooking, flipping and break-dancing. Ray, Kenny and Alisa present their finished Rube Goldberg invention. "What Zup?" as well as "ZOOM Chat" both discuss what is scary. Zoom 00:28 #239 [TVY] (DVS) This show opens with a basketball type game using laundry baskets and balled up socks. "What Zup?" asks the question, "Who is the best teacher you ever had and why?" In "Cafe ZOOM" Kenny makes mini ham and cheese quiches. The "ZOOM Guest" is a young lady named Jackie from New York who is into bee-keeping as a hobby. Keeny and Ray analyze all of the data received in the "ZOOMongous Backpack Challenge." Zoom 00:28 #240 [TVY] (DVS) In this very special episode of ZOOM, many of the first cast's members join with the current cast to play games, do experiments and make crafts. In "ZOOM Do" Caroline and Keiko make dream catchers. In "ZOOM Sci" Claudio and Kenny team up with David and Jamie to make water filters. In "ZOOM Chat" past and present ZOOMers answer the question "What is it like to be on ZOOM?" Thne the show ends with a fun relay race involving all current and former ZOOMers.
Season 3[]
Zoom 00:28 #301 [TVY] (DVS) The Season Premiere! In a cool ZOOMphenom, new ZOOMers Buzz and Kaleigh use a hair dryer to balance balls in a stream of hot air. Caroline makes edible spider Znacks. The ZOOMers show viewers how to make raisins "dance" in a glass of club soda, and later spend "A Day at the Movies" in an original play for ZOOMplayhouse. In the ZOOM Into Action segment, a Seattle girl volunteers to save wild animals. Zoom 00:28 #302 [TVY] (DVS) Caroline makes homemade chalk. The ZOOMers sing the "Alligator Song" in a round. Buzz demonstrates an awesome ZOOMphenom using a paperclip, string, and keys. The ZOOMers play the game "Excuse Me, What Are You Doing?" Zoom 00:28 #303 [TVY] (DVS) The Balloon Show. Kenny shows viewers how to make balloon animals. The ZOOMers compete in the balloon pop relay. In the ZOOMguest segment, a Georgia boy takes viewers around his family peanut farm. ZOOM reviews the book The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. Plus, the ZOOMers spoof super heroes in "The New Adventures of Ubbi-Dubbi Man." Zoom 00:28 #304 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers race in the tic tac toe relay. Kenny and Kaleigh make a big bucket of Zlime from cornstarch and water - and ask is it a solid or a liquid? Buzz makes delicious cinnamon snails on CafeZOOM. In the ZOOMguest segment, a girl dreams of being a meteorologist and makes a homemade barometer. Caroline and Kenny exchange jokes as " The Pirate and the Parrot." Zoom 00:28 #305 [TVY] (DVS) What Zup? asks What is the hardest job in the world? In Cafe ZOOM Buzz makes an apple bagel sandwich. The ZOOM Guest is a young lady who is quite an efficient quilter. Caroline shares a ZOOMer's reveiw of "The Search for Delicious." The ZOOMers perform "Oranges" in the ZOOM Playhouse. Zoom 00:28 #306 [TVY] (DVS) Francis demonstrates the magic powers of pepper on today's ZOOMphenom. Buzz and Eric show how to solve a strip puzzle, using eight different-sized pieces of paper. Rachel stirs up a ticklish tea, a fizzy drink made from OJ and ginger ale, for a tasty after school Znack. And when Eric's pencil breaks, it's Ubbi Dubbi man to the rescue! Zoom 00:28 #307 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers don their backpacks and race in the Backpack Relay. Kaleigh and Caroline demonstrate how to make cool hand shadow animals. In the ZOOMsci segment, Francis and Kenny show viewers how to make a potato grow in a maze. Buzz catches the Ubbi Dubbi flu on today's ZOOMplayhouse. Zoom 00:28 #308 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers are celebrating Halloween (apparently a little early or late, whichever way you want to look at it) in this episode of "ZOOM." They make costumes out of cardboard boxes, including a robot, milk carton and tv set. In "What Zup?" they ask kids what their favorite Halloween costumes were. The "ZOOM Guest" is Maya of Minnesota who is a member of the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater. In "ZOOM Chat" the ZOOMers discuss family traditions. Zoom 00:28 #309 [TVY] (DVS) On Cafe ZOOM, Chris cooks up some very tasty looking empanadas. In ZOOM Into Action we meet Seleena and Courtney, two girls who organize a Pennies for Pals drive to buy stuffed toys for children whose homes have burned down. The ZOOMers play a Penny relay race. Zoom 00:28 #310 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play a game called "Bat Catcher." In "Cafe ZOOM" Kenny makes mini pumpkin pies that don't require any baking. The "ZOOM Guest" is Kathryn from Indiana who is a fencer. In "ZOOM Sci" the ZOOMers give us more examples of surface tension. Zoom 00:28 #311 [TVY] (DVS) In "What Zup?" the ZOOMers ask What's your favorite place to hang out? In "Cafe ZOOM" Caroline makes a rainbow cake. The "ZOOM Guest" is Ricky from Alaska, who shares his experience being home-schooled. In "ZOOM Sci" Eric and Kenny make their own seismometer. Zoom 00:28 #312 [TVY] (DVS) The show opens up with the ZOOMers having a restaurant relay race. In ZOOM Do, Caroline and Kenny make placemats using dried flowers and leaves. The ZOOM Guest is Lindsay from Maine who helps out on her family farm. She shares the proccess by which syrup is made. In ZOOM Phenom, Kenny makes a water fountain. Eric makes a quick Znack using celery, pretzels and cream cheese. Zoom 00:28 #313 [TVY] (DVS) The episode opens with a ZOOM Challenge- How many times can you jump rope with a ball between your legs? Some kids answer the question What's your most embarrassing moment? In ZOOM Do, learn how to make clay beads. The ZOOM Guest is Rafael and he LOVES baseball. Zoom 00:28 #314 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" promises to be way cool. The ZOOMers go through plenty of ice. The jokes are all about ice, Kenny and Buzz make homemade ice cream. In ZOOM Sci two teams compete to make containers that keep ice from melting. In the ZOOM Game it is a race to determine which team can melt all of their ice first. The ZOOM Guest is Lucas who rides a unicycle Zoom 00:28 #315 [TVY] (DVS) This episode is dedicated to those hard-working, underappreciated feet. In ZOOM Do Kaleigh makes tye-dyed socks. The ZOOM Guest is Lexi from Connecticut who is a tap-dancer. Zoom 00:28 #316 [TVY] (DVS) A viewer challenges the ZOOMers to attempt everyday activities without using their thumbs. The Whay Zup? question of the day is What do you think is the most important scientific discovery. In ZOOM Do, Rachel and Eric make silhouettes. The ZOOM Guest is Jake who, with his brother creates claymation videos. Zoom 00:28 #317 [TVY] (DVS) In Cafe ZOOM, Rachel makes pretzels which she uses to spell out her name. The ZOOMers tell an abundance of computer jokes. The ZOOM Guest is Elise, who started her own chocolate business. In ZOOM Sci, Caroline and Kaleigh do a math puzzle. The ZOOMers also update the street light project. Zoom 00:28 #318 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers open this show by playing a game called Turkey Chase. In What Zup? the question is if you could be any animal what would you be? For a Znack, Buzz makes grape popsicles. The ZOOM Guest is Hunter. He trains his dog, Smudge for dog shows. Kenny, Buzz and Rachel make their own roller coaster. Zoom 00:28 #319 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers open the show by working on a Zinger called Stay Together. The What Zup question is If you could take only one thing to the moon what would it be? In Cafe ZOOM, Kaleigh makes frozen pineapple pops. The Guest is Danny, a remarkable young man who was the recipient of a new heart. In ZOOM Sci, Caroline and Buzz do a density experiment. Buzz shares the way he "ZOOMs Into Action." The show ends with the group playing Clothespin tag. Zoom 00:28 #320 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers are given a challenge, to keep a feather in the air for 20 seconds. The What Zup question is If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? In Cafe ZOOM, Rachel makes burrito bites. The ZOOM Guest is Sonia, a competitive swimmer. In ZOOM Sci Kenny and Kaleigh make a Delta Wing Flyer. Zoom 00:28 #321 [TVY] (DVS) What Zup? asks what's the proudest moment of your life? In ZOOM Cafe, Caroline makes pizza with a face. The ZOOM Guest is a young pianist from Toronto, Canada named Nikhie. The ZOOMers set out to make another Rube Goldberg machine. This one will pour milk into a glass. The show ends with the "Standing Pretzel Relay Race." Zoom 00:28 #322 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play a game of crab soccer. What Zup? asks; If you could create any holiday what would it be? In Cafe ZOOM Rachel makes fluffy peanut butter dip. The ZOOM Guest is Amanda who during the week plays classical violin, but on weekends cuts it loose and plays cajun style. The ZOOMers accept a challenge to build something to keep instant oatmeal warm. Zoom 00:28 #323 [TVY] (DVS) This show opens with the ZOOMers playing the Scoop Game. The question of the day in What Zup? is "What is the most imprortant thing you've learned in your life?" In ZOOM Do Kenny demonstrates how to make your own puppets and later on ZOOM Playhouse, the ZOOMers put on a puppet show. The ZOOM Guest is Christine and she loves and collect marienettes. She even makes her own. The ZOOM Sci challenges our ZOOMers to defy gravity. Kaleigh makes a Znack of apple filled with peanut butter, marshmallows and chocolate chips. Zoom 00:28 #324 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play volleyball using a toothbrush and a balloon. In the ZOOM Do, Kaleigh and Buzz demonstrate how to make different types of bubbles. The ZOOM Guest is Ashley, a young runner who doesn't let cerebal palsey keep her from competing in the Special Olympics. For a quick Znack, Kenny makes Ants on a Log. The show closes with another game, the Three-Legged Balloon Race. Zoom 00:28 #325 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers start the show by running a wheelbarrow race. In Cafe ZOOM, Kenny makes a castle cake. The ZOOM Guest is Adam a nine year-old boy who loves studying Egypt. The question of the day for both "What Zup?" and "ZOOM Chat" is If you could go back/live in any time period in history what would it be and why? In ZOOM Sci, Kaleigh and Caroline bring us up to date on the Streetlamp project. Zoom 00:28 #326 [TVY] (DVS) The What Zup? question of the day is, "what is your most embarrassing moment? In Cafe ZOOM, Frances makes frozen banana pops. The ZOOM Guests are a group of kids who had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit the Amazon rainforest. They share their video diary. The ZOOMers continue to build their Rube Goldberg invention, which is now up to 18 steps. Zoom 00:28 #327 [TVY] (DVS) The What Zup? question of the day is "If you could pick a new name for yourself what would you do?" In Cafe ZOOM Kaleigh makes edible chocolate bowls. The ZOOM Guest is Avery, who builds model cars. The ZOOMers tell mouse jokes. In ZOOM Sci Frances and Rachel put together a tangram. Zoom 00:28 #328 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play refridgerator tag. The What Zup? question of the day is "What is your favorite time of day?" Kenny makes a Znack called fruit pizza. Caroline and Kaleigh make a pendulum of fear. The ZOOMers tell doctor jokes. Zoom 00:28 #329 [TVY] (DVS) The episode opens with the ZOOMers takling a physically challenging game. The What Zup? question of the day is, "What's the best day you ever had?" In ZOOM Do, Kenny demonstrates how to make a puzzle out of popsicle sticks. In ZOOM Sci, Kaleigh and Rachel do an experiment to measure density. The ZOOMers perform a rap in Ubbi Dubbi. We meet a young girl named Alyssa who volunteers at Project Angel Heart in Denver. Zoom 00:28 #330 [TVY] (DVS) In this Zinger, the ZOOMers try to guess which baby picture belongs to which ZOOMer. In ZOOM Do, Kaleigh shows how to make your own scrapbook. In ZOOM Into Action, we meet Danny and Betsy who started their own non-profit organization, "Turkeys-R-Us." They close the show by playing the Big and Little Game. Zoom 00:28 #331 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of "ZOOM" opens with the ZOOMers playing the Animal SOund Game. In Cafe ZOOM Frances makes strawberry surprise popsicles. The ZOOM Guest is Kelsey who helps out on her grandmother's pot-bellied pig farm. Eric and Buzz update the ZOOM Sci pets report. Finally the ZOOMers perform in a soup opera. Zoom 00:28 #332 [TVY] (DVS) This episode opens with a Cafe ZOOM. Kaleigh makes strawberry sorbet. The What Zup? question of the day is, "If you could put something in a time capsule to open in 1,000 years what would it be?" The ZOOMers play "Clean Up Your Own Backyard." The ZOOM Guest is Benjamin. Could he be the next Tiger Woods? In ZOOM Sci, Kaleigh, Eric and Kenny present their finished Rube Goldberg machine. Zoom 00:28 #333 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers attempt to hula hoop while holding a cup of water. Kaleigh is the champ. In Cafe ZOOM, Caroline makes an edible fish bowl. The ZOOM Guests are Tara and Sara, two best friends who take us scuba diving off Catalina Island in California. Zoom 00:28 #334 [TVY] (DVS) Kaleigh demonstrates how to make a Zoitrope in the ZOOM Do. The ZOOM Sci challenge is to make a hot air balloon. The ZOOMers chat about whether they have ever been blamed for something that they didn't do.. Buzz makes a ZOOM Znack using fruit and all the ZOOMers run an Obstacle course relay race. Zoom 00:28 #335 [TVY] (DVS) Throughout the show, Buzz paints the faces of his fellow ZOOMers. The ZOOM Guest is David you loves the art of bonsai. Kenny and Caroline make a tornado in a bottle. The ZOOMers play a log roll relay race. In the ZOOM Sci Report, Kenny and Kaleigh look at other balloon vehicles. Zoom 00:28 #336 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers open this episode with a very wet relay race. Frances makes sunchine iced tea. The ZOOMers tell doctor jokes. In ZOOM Sci Caroline and Kenny build a dam. In ZOOM Do Eric turns a t-shirt into a pillow. The show ends with a performance of "Elevator Music." Zoom 00:28 #337 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers open with a ZOOM challenge: To jump rope while holding water balloons under their arms. In ZOOM Do, Rachel makes a room decorator that is also an organizer. he ZOOM Guest is Kyla, a member of the brewster Bayside Skippers. In ZOOM Sci Rachel and Caroline update the Pets Report. Zoom 00:28 #338 [TVY] (DVS) The Behind the Scenes Show! This show centers around the production of a ZOOMplayhouse called "The Mixed up Fairytale." In this fractured fairytale, Cinderella finds herself trapped in Rapunzel's tower and her wicked stepmother gets turned into a cat by a talking frog. Exploring everything from the lighting, set design and camera work, to the cast's make-up, hair and wardrobe, viewers will learn about what goes into the making of a television show. Zoom 00:28 #339 [TVY] (DVS) In Cafe ZOOM, Eric makes baked potatoes for his fellow ZOOMers. The ZOOM Guest is Adam, a young man with spina bifeda who competes in wheelchair races. In ZOOM Sci Caroline and Kenny make domes that they can climb, using only newspaper and tape. The ZOOMers play two games, one a four-legged relay race and one "Who Am I?" Zoom 00:28 #340 [TVY] (DVS) In ZOOM Do, Kenny and Eric teach pantomime. The ZOOM Guest is Bronwen, a 12 year-old writer who has already been published. The ZOOM Sci Challenge is to lift a tennis ball 50 cm without using your hands. The ZOOMers play a game called Land, Sea, Air. Caroline makes a quick Znack of cinnamon toast.
Season 4[]
Zoom 00:28 #401 [TVY] (DVS) Caroline uses blueberries and strawberry jam to make the patriotic Znack "Stars and Stripes Toast." Garrett and Kaleigh discover how to power a clock with a lemon. Aline teaches Kaleigh and Rachel how to sing her favorite lullaby, in Spanish. And ZOOMguest Monique, from Harlem, NY, demonstrates the art of "Double Dutch." First program in a 20-part season. Zoom 00:28 #402 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play the clapping game "I Woke Up Saturday Morning." Estuardo makes "Mini Taco Salads" on CafeZOOM. The ZOOMguest takes viewers for a ride in a glider. Later, the ZOOMers design vehicles that prevent eggs from breaking when they crash into a wall. And, Rachel can't seem to remember her lines when ZOOMplayhouse presents "Captain, O Captain." Zoom 00:28 #403 [TVY] (DVS) Rachel and Matt compete to see who can build a higher tower while blindfolded. In ZOOM-Do, Rachel shows how to craft button-flowers. ZOOMer Emily tells about her homemade dog biscuit business; and she finds out how her Seaweed Biscuits rate with her four-legged friends. In ZOOM into Action, Happy Feet is featured--a project to buy and donate shoes to needy children. Zoom 00:28 #404 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers try to pick up as many marbles as they can--using chopsticks! Rachel makes "Homemade Peanut Butter" on CafeZOOM. The ZOOMguests are penpals who live in very different biomes: the desert and the rainforest. Kaleigh shows how to make a biome--in a plastic baggie! Zoom 00:28 #405 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers `buddy up' for a fast-paced game of "Buddy Tag." Garrett makes the scrumdiddlyumpsious "Veggie Parfait" on CafeZOOM. Aline and Matt use cabbage juice to find out if a liquid is an acid or a base. Later, Caroline and Estuardo demonstrate how to make dull pennies shine using lemon juice. Zoom 00:28 #406 [TVY] (DVS) Two very special ZOOMguests are introduced--the Ubbi Dubbi Aliens! Then, in a cool ZOOMsci, Caroline and Garrett launch lemon juice rockets. In the ZOOMvid segment, a girl goes to a cattle auction in South Dakota. Then, the ZOOMers play the game "Tidal Wave." Zoom 00:28 #407 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers take the "Human Dome" challenge, and Kaleigh and Caroline make a dome out of gumdrops and toothpicks. Aline makes the mouth-watering CafeZOOM treat "Peanut Butter Bees." In the ZOOMplayhouse, Mabel, the talking cow, is introduced. Zoom 00:28 #408 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers hit the high seas in the game "Ship, Shore, Deck." Aline makes "Banana Smunchies" on CafeZOOM. In the ZOOMsci, "Sock Seeds," Estuardo and Rachel grow plants from old socks. The ZOOMguest shows tours the Florida everglades. And, the ZOOMers compete in the "Items Relay." Zoom 00:28 #409 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play Baseball Words--a spelling bee that's played like baseball. Kaleigh stirs up a glass of thirst-quenching "Homemade Lemonade" and the ZOOM guest tells about his hobby: singing opera. And it's ZOOMsci in the kitchen, when Garrett and Matt show how to turn milk into `plastic,' and, how to turn cream into butter. Zoom 00:28 #410 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play the clapping game, "The ZOOMers Cat." In a cool ZOOMdo, Aline shows how to mosaic a flowerpot. In the ZOOMsci, "Coloring Flowers," Eric and Rachel discover how to use food coloring to change the color of a flower. Z, Y, X--the ZOOMers compete in the "Backwards Alphabet Race." And ZOOMplayhouse presents the classic tale Jack and the Beanstalk--in Ubbi Dubbi! Zoom 00:28 #411 [TVY] (DVS) Kids around the country answer the WhatZup question of the day: "What's your favorite thing to do with your family?" On CafeZOOM, Matt whips up a banana split to eat for breakfast. And, in the ZOOMsci segment, "Paper Cup Walk," the ZOOMers try to get paper cups to support the weight of a person. Later, the ZOOMers race with mail on their backs in the game "Letter Carrier." Zoom 00:28 #412 [TVY] (DVS) Estuardo enchants with some amazing magic tricks. The ZOOMers get hopping in the game "Musical Frogs." Caroline and Matt build a paper bridge that can support the weight of 100 pennies. In a cool ZOOMvid, '70's ZOOMer Bernadette demonstrates her signature "arm thing." And when Aline's bike has a flat tire, it's Ubbi Dubbi Woman to the rescue. Zoom 00:28 #413 [TVY] (DVS) Garrett makes "Chalk Stationary." The ZOOMguest shows off his favorite city: Washington, D.C. In the ZOOMsci segment, Kaleigh and Rachel find a way to keep bubbles from popping--using vinegar and carbon dioxide. And it's no "Day at the Beach" for Caroline and Matt in the ZOOMplayhouse. Zoom 00:28 #414 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play a fun improvisation game called "Out the Door." Garrett shows how to `liven up lunch' with the "Butterfly Sandwich" Znack. In the ZOOMsci segment, Caroline and Estuardo build a bridge out of straws and test to see how much weight it can hold. The ZOOMers chat about their dreams and later perform an acappella version of the classic tune, "On Top of My Pizza." Zoom 00:28 #415 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play "ZOOMer Flip." Estuardo and Matt experiment with yeast in ZOOMsci. Then, Aline and Caroline use yeast to bake up a loaf of "Bread in a Bag." Grown-ups just can't understand Caroline, the baby who can talk-in Ubbi Dubbi! And in the ZOOMplayhouse, when Aline can't sleep, it's Caroline and Rachel to the rescue. Zoom 00:28 #416 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers race in the "Sleep Walking Relay." In the ZOOMsci, "Fatty Foods," Estuardo and Kaleigh test to see which foods contain the most fat. Matt shows how to turn a paper plate into the cool ZOOMdo "Climbing Toy." The Ubbi Dubbi Baby finally meets someone who can speak her language. And on today's ZOOMplayhouse, the Prince asks for Aline's hand in marriage--and gets something very different in return! Zoom 00:28 #417 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers compete in the "Book Balance Relay." In the CafeZOOM, "Painted Cookies," Rachel shows how to make an edible masterpiece. And, the ZOOMers try to lift a table using only plastic baggies, straws, and lungpower in the ZOOMsci segment, "Air Lift." Zoom 00:28 #418 [TVY] (DVS) Kaleigh shows how to make a "Garden Cake." In the ZOOMsci segment, "Straw Tower," the ZOOMers make skyscrapers out of straws and tape. Later, Adam S., from New Jersey, shows viewers around his favorite skyscraper, the Empire State Building. And, in the ZOOMguest segment, Holden T., of Thomaston, CT, introduces his hobby: playing the blues on his guitar. Zoom 00:28 #419 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play "Trivia Ball." In the ZOOMguest segment, a girl lives and works on a sheep farm. In the ZOOMsci segment, the ZOOMers make a suspension bridge that can support 7 books! And, ZOOMplayhouse presents a silent movie play entitled, "A Picnic in the Park." Zoom 00:28 #420 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers play the game "Leap Frog." Kaleigh makes the cool ZOOMdo "Button Bracelet." ZOOMguest Cassie from Key Largo, FL, shows off a coral reef. And, the ZOOMers compete in the "Balloon Jam." Final program of the season.
Season 5[]
Zoom 00:28 #501 [TVY] (DVS) The Season Premiere! In the first ZOOMgame of the season, things sounda little funny when the ZOOMers play "Sound Charades." In today's ZOOMdo, Mike shows how to make colorful Mexican banners called Papel Picado. In the first of a four-part miniseries, viewers meet Briana and her team from Pennsylvania as they prepare to enter the "Future City" engineering competition. And the ZOOMers warm up by a campfire, singing, "Home on the Range" in Ubbi Dubbi. Zoom 00:28 #502 [TVY] (DVS) The kids learn how to care for potted plants. Two 11-year-old viewers, Maggie and Rogan, tell how they started writing music. Zoom 00:28 #503 [TVY] (DVS) Two teams compete to see who can make a pizza faster, and Aline makes homemade dog biscuits. An update on some previous guests from Pennsylvania follows them to the regional finals of the Future City Competition. The Zoomers learn how important the skull is in protecting the brain by building a "skull" for a water balloon. Zoom 00:28 #504 [TVY] (DVS) The gang plays a game called "Oink," where one person tries to make the others laugh by making pig noises. Caroline and Aline make a bubble machine, and the kids from Pennsylvania learn whether they've made the finals of the Future City Competition. Shing Ling teaches Caroline and Mike how to count to 10 in Chinese. Zoom 00:28 #505 [TVY] (DVS) The Zoomers build their own miniature golf course, Garrett creates funky photo figures, and Estuardo reads a viewer's review of the book Children Just Like Me. Shing Ying, Caroline, and Garrett test to see how many different kinds of cups can hold Garrett's weight. All the kids stage a play about a car trip Zoom 00:28 #506 [TVY] (DVS) After a three-legged, ball-on-spoon race, Mike makes a banana snack. Garrett, Caroline, and Shing Ying try another experiment on what will hold Garrett's weight, this time with balloons and water balloons. The Zoomers tell Ubbi Dubbi Fairy Tales. Zoom 00:28 #507 [TVY] (DVS) The Zoomers play a game with cotton balls, Shing Ying and Mike make their own glue and test it against other adhesives, Estuardo turns hot cocoa into a popsicle, and Garrett reads a review of Maniac McGee. The Playhouse presents The Hot Chocolate Shop Zoom 00:28 #508 [TVY] (DVS) The kids play a game called Waterfun, Aline and Mike make can stilts, and Shing Ying and Kortney try different kinds of baking soda rockets. The Playhouse presents Too Late, Too Early. Zoom 00:28 #509 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the gang starts off by playing "What time is it Mrs. Fox? In the Zoom Znack section, Shing Ying makes fried egg look-alikes with yogurt and peaches. In the Zoom Phenom and the Zoom Sci sections, the kids test out water density. The Zoom Guest is Karla from Havana, Cuba who goes to a special music school for her flute lessons. Zoom 00:28 #510 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the kids begin by playing a new game called Melting Tag. In the first Zoom Sci, Kortney, Mike, Caroline and Garrett make puff mobiles. Samantha from Rhode Island is the Zoom guest and she talks about being homeschooled. The Zoom Znack is a dinosaur dessert. In the second Zoom Sci, Aline and Shing Ying make hovercrafts. Zoom 00:28 #511 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of Zoom begins with the gang playing a game called Daddy Penguin where the kids waddle like penguins. In Cafe Zoom, Garrett makes some pannokakkua, a Finnish pancake. In ZoomSci, the kids try to figure out how to pour water from one cup to another, standing 2 feet away and only using string. In the second part of Zoom Sci, they have a race with different kinds of string. In Zoom Reviews, Caroline reads a review about "My Father's Dragon." Zoom 00:28 #512 [TVY] (DVS) The kids play the guessing game Monkey See, Monkey Do; Mike makes a hamburger and French fry cake; and Garrett and Aline try powering a clock with apples, oranges, bananas, and potatoes. Mike and Garrett test the human chain and electricity. Zoom 00:28 #513 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of Zoom begins with the kids playing a game called the Dog Ball Relay race. In Zoom Sci, Estuardo and Mike first make film canister rocket cars, and then bottle rocket cars. In Cafe Zoom, Shing Ying makes three different frozen drinks - from India, Thailand and the Dominican Republic. Finally, in the Zoom Playhouse, Kortney and Shing Ying perform "Billy and his Boots." Zoom 00:28 #514 [TVY] (DVS) This episode of Zoom begins with a game called Toe-Writing Relay. The kids have to run to the other end of the mat and write the word Zoom, using only their toes. In Zoom Sci, Garret, Aline and Estuardo test out some tunes with spoons experiments. They use different kinds of liquids in the same size glass as well as different kinds of glasses to see what sounds they make. In Cafe Zoom, Kortney makes an ice cream snowman. Zoom 00:28 #515 [TVY] (DVS) In this episode of Zoom, the kids begin the show by playing the Fortune Teller game. In the Zoom Do section, Kortney designs and then paints a mud cloth. After a round of Fannee Doolee, Estuardo, Aline and Garret run some experiments involving static electricity. Finally, in the Zoom Playhouse, the kids put on "Wide Mouth Frog: A Chin Play. " Zoom 00:28 #516 [TVY] (DVS) The kids play Stuck in the Mud, and Caroline makes a fish windsock. Diane, a young girl from New York City who writes for Time for Kids, interviews Lil Romeo. Shing Ying reviews the book Landry News, then joins Mike for more static electricity experiments. The Zoomers produce the play The Red Bench. Zoom 00:28 #517 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers race with balloons_ in their pj's when they play the game "Pajama Pants Pop!" On CafeZOOM, Estuardo shows viewers how to make " Arepas," a tasty treat from his family's cookbook. And in today's ZOOMsci, Caroline, Garrett and Shing Ying try to float things that don't, like a chocolate chip, a walnut, and a button. Zoom 00:28 #518 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers crack up when they run the "Eggstacle Course." Shing Ying shares some of her family traditions and shows viewers how to make the ZOOMdo "Lucky Red Chinese Envelopes." And in today's ZOOMsci, Estuardo, Mike, Kortney, and Shing Ying design door alarms. Zoom 00:28 #519 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers show how well balanced they are, when they play "Book Balance." In today's ZOOMsci, Estuardo, Kortney, Mike, and Shing Ying design a "Steadiness Tester" using wire and batteries. Later in the show, the ZOOMers get to work on their "Chain Reaction Machines." And throughout the show, the ZOOMers get a "taste" of some silly food jokes! Zoom 00:28 #520 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers get to know each other, and the audience gets to know the ZOOMers, as they play the game "All About You." And in the cool ZOOMdo, "Paper Flowers," Caroline shows how to make flowers that never wilt. The first Zoom Sci shows the gang experimenting with their chain reaction machines. After a round of Hinky Pinkys in the Zoom Zinger section, Aline, Kortney and Garrett experiment with helium. They attempt to make a helium balloon flink - a combination of floating and sinking. And in ZOOMplayhouse, you're invited to the ZOOMer Reunion, where you can see what the ZOOMers are up to...in 60 years.
Season 6[]
Zoom 00:28 #601 [TVY] (DVS) In ZOOMgame, the kids compete in the Skating Relay. On CafeZOOM, Maya whips up guacamole, a tasty recipe that she learned from her abuela (grandmother). The ZOOMguest is Lucas L., a direct descendant of Lafitte the Pirate. He shows how he and his family sailed around the South Pacific in a sailboat. The ZOOMers figure out if they can build a tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows strong enough to hold. a monkey? Finally, three witches try to see which witch is witchiest in ZOOMplayhouse. First program in a 20-part season. Zoom 00:28 #602 [TVY] (DVS) In CafeZOOM, Cara and Kortney pack up some sweet treats when they make "Suitcase Cookies." ZOOMguest is Benito M., a boy from Amalfi, Italy, who gives a taste of life in his family's pizza restaurant. Francesco appraises a very delicate antique chair in the "Ubbi Dubbi Oldstuff Roadshow." The ZOOMers then figure out how to separate their pennies and quarters, by building Coin Sorters. And, in the ZOOMplayhouse, the ZOOMers spoonerize Sleeping Beauty by performing "Beeping Sleauty!" Zoom 00:28 #603 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers hoop it up playing Musical Hoops! Shing Ying then teaches an easy and yummy way to make "Nachos." Andrew B. is the ZOOMguest, a very talented hockey player who has two prosthetic legs. Then, the ZOOMers refine their coin separators, from the previous episode, to sort even more coins. And, a little voice saying nice things about hair and outfits just might be the "Complimentary Peanuts!" Zoom 00:28 #604 [TVY] (DVS) It's the opening tip-off, and the ZOOMers play a little B-Ball, but, in this case, "B" stands for "Balloon." Kortney and Mike bake muffins and put salsa on them. Sound weird? Not when they're "Muffin Tin Eggs"! In a cool ZOOMout segment, Shing Ying visits Fenway Park, where a Red Sox player teaches her how to hit a homerun. Back in the studio, Shing Ying shows Mike where to find the "sweet spot" on a bat. And in ZOOMplayhouse, the ZOOMers go on a camping trip, but something's missing--right, kids? Kids?! Zoom 00:28 #605 [TVY] (DVS) Curiouser and curiouser! This episode has a touch of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, as the White Rabbit, the March Hare, the Dormouse, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the Queen of Hearts, and Alice all play Croquet. In ZOOMsci, the ZOOMers show some tricky optical illusions. The ZOOMout segment features Kortney showing how she volunteers her time with a local dog trainer. And ZOOMplayhouse has a back-to-the-70s-retro-flashback, when the ZOOMers perform "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat"--a remake of a play from the original series. Zoom 00:28 #606 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers get soaked in the appropriately named ZOOMgame, "Splash!" Shing Ying celebrates her Chinese culture and the harvest moon festival, teaching how to make delicious "Moon Cakes." In the ZOOMsci segment, the ZOOMers try to slow things down, by making a "Marble Maze." A young girl is introduced, named McKayla W., who was born in China and adopted by an American family. And in ZOOMplayhouse, the Red Bench is back--and, this time, with a fairy tale twist! Zoom 00:28 #607 [TVY] (DVS) Mummy's the word in the rapid-wrapping ZOOMgame, the Mummy Wrap! Cara, Francesco, Maya, and Mike try to design "Automatic Door Openers" that can open their bedroom doors while they're still lying down. America's kids answer the question that is gripping the nation: "What is your favorite kind of ice cream?" And in ZOOMplayhouse, the people in the Who's on First Theater try to answer Kyle's question: "Who's Playing Romeo?" Zoom 00:28 #608 [TVY] (DVS) What's that in the air? Is it a bird? A plane? A cloud? No, it's the ZOOMgame, "Marshmallow Fling!" In ZOOMout, viewers get a kick out of Francesco's karate school. ZOOMsci also has some high-flying action--the ZOOMers discover what materials have the most bounce in the "Daredevil Ball Jump." And, in ZOOMplayhouse, the pooch winning the ZOOMinster Dog Show is presented! Zoom 00:28 #609 [TVY] (DVS) Okay, it's a game, it's a lot of fun, the ZOOMers play it, and it's the first thing that happens in this show, so it must be the "Description Competition!" In the Znack segment, Kyle goes bananas for "Ape Cookies." The ZOOMsci is a test of nerves, when Cara and Shing Ying design "Sensitivity Testers." Across the Atlantic, Alexia L. is introduced--a choir singer from France. And in ZOOMplayhouse, Anansi the Spider tricks all the animals in the forest, except the Little Spotted Deer! Zoom 00:28 #610 [TVY] (DVS) The greatest ZOOM sports spectacle ever is presented--"The ZOOMer Olympics!" Who will get the cardboard gold medal? Let the games begin! Next, Cara and Mike make the cultural craft "Cascarones." Clayton is a hearing-impaired boy who proves he can do anything he wants to do. The ZOOMers test their senses in "Clapping, Where?" They also test their depth perception in the "Penny Cup Game." Finally, the ZOOMers test their rhyming-riddle reflexes, when they compete in "The Hink Pink Game Show." Zoom 00:28 #611 [TVY] (DVS) In the CafeZOOM segment, Kyle and Maya sculpt "Candy Clay"into sweet little characters--and then eat them! ZOOMguest Carly is an aspiring Olympic athlete who's really on the "fast track." The Ubbi Dubbi Chef tries to make a tossed salad, but his hands seem to have a mind of their own! The ZOOMers have their reflexes tested in "Reaction Time." Then, their patience is tested by the teacher in the ZOOMplayhouse, "School Time Blues." Zoom 00:28 #612 [TVY] (DVS) Today's ZOOMgame is a loud, fun, balloon-squashin' game called "Boom!"In ZOOMsci, Francesco and Kortney take a test. a taste test! They find out that it's a lot harder to taste things when you pinch your nose. Later in the show they draw maps of their tongues. In the ZOOMout segment, viewers get to know Mike a little better and learn about his hobby and passion: making movies! And in ZOOMplayhouse, Kyle tries to order some food, but the frustration is outrageous (and contagious) at the "Rhyme Time Diner!" Zoom 00:28 #613 [TVY] (DVS) In the ZOOMgame, the ZOOMers inch their way to victory in the "Inchworm Relay!" They make a visit to the ocean, where they find out "WhatZup at the Beach?" "Jim and Judy" answer each other's difficult questions throughout the show, like, "Is my blinker working?" Jim's answer: "Yes. No.. Yes. No." Mike's CafeZOOM is a very special recipe--his mom's apple pie. And, in ZOOMsci, Francesco, Kortney, and Shing Ying find out how to make a dot disappear, when they learn about their "Blind Spots." Zoom 00:28 #614 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers really "hop to it" in the relay race "2 Forward, 1 Back." Then, they learn a neat way to enlarge a photo in the ZOOMdo "Group Picture Project." In the ZOOMout segment, Cara's talks about her interest in interior design, as she redecorates her room. The ZOOMers send out some secret codes using electricity in ZOOMsci. And, finally, in ZOOMplayhouse, the Tooth Fairy gets more than he bargained for, when he meets the business-savvy Maya! Zoom 00:28 #615 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers need to deliver their pizzas, fast--in the "Pizza Box Relay. A Korean hacky sack is made, called "Jaegi." In ZOOMout, Maya goes into her kitchen, to give a "taste" of her authentic homemade cooking. Delicioso! Back in the studio, Mike and Kortney measure their pulse rates with clay and straws. And, finally, in ZOOMplayhouse, the chicken goes into the library and takes out a "book, book, book," but the frog has already "read-it, read-it!" Zoom 00:28 #616 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers use their special sleuth and staring skills in the "Stare Detective" game. In CafeZOOM, Cara and Kyle are the architects and builders of a "Gingerbread House." In the first of a five-part science series, the ZOOMers enter the FIRST LEGO League Competition. They will compete against over 40 other teams of kids, and work together to construct their own robot! And, finally, in ZOOMplayhouse, the "Ubbi Dubbi Opera" singers make their debut AND their farewell performance! Zoom 00:28 #617 [TVY] (DVS) In the opening ZOOMgame, the ZOOMers need to create magnificent pieces of art, as fast as they can--but they're not allowed to look at them! Kids at home can play "Blindfolded Quick Pics" too! In ZOOMsci, the second installment of the FIRST LEGO League Competition is shown, where the ZOOMers are given their official challenge: to build and program a Mars robot rover. Then, in ZOOMout, Kyle visits a real robot company, and sees how the professionals do it. Finally, in ZOOMplayhouse, the Oldstuff Roadshow is back, and with THESE ZOOM antiques, anything can happen! Zoom 00:28 #618 [TVY] (DVS) The ZOOMers have some UV-protected fun in the sun, as they race to put on beach items in the "Sun Safety Relay." Maya then makes some hummus, a delicious and nutritious cultural treat. Next, comes the third installment of the First Lego Competition, where the ZOOMers encounter some obstacles with their Mars rover, and overcome them. And, finally, Cara is practicing writing her Y's, and Francesco wants to know why. Why? No, Y! Oh! Zoom 00:28 #619 [TVY] (DVS) The opening ZOOMgame is "Cooperation Dots," where two teams race across the course, but they can only hop on construction paper circles. In CafeZOOM, Francesco makes a traditional family recipe called "Rosca de Reyes," or "Three Kings Bread." Part four of five in the FIRST Lego Competition saga is presented. The ZOOMers work on their research presentation for the project, and then program their Mars rover for a test run. The ZOOMers close out the show with some intense rhyming action by playing the "Hinky Pinky Game Show." Zoom 00:28 #620 [TVY] (DVS) In the final ZOOMgame of the season, the ZOOMers are winded after playing an exciting round of "Blowball." Today's ZOOMdo is a cultural craft from West Africa called "Asante Adinkra Stamps," made from clay, foam, string, and fabric paints. In ZOOMsci, the FIRST Lego Competition reaches its exciting final chapter, when the ZOOMteam competes against over 40 teams of kids. Will their Mars rover rise up to the challenge? And in ZOOMplayhouse, "What Happens After Once Upon a Time" features fairy tale characters telling their own story!
Season 7[]
Zoom 00:28 #701 [TVY] (DVS) ZOOMers ahoy! ZOOM sets sail in its final season! After getting so many letters from kids asking to see an episode outside the studio, the ZOOMers go on an adventure. aboard a 90-ft schooner! The kids board the boat on Martha's Vineyard, meet the captain and crew and stow their gear, but then realize this trip won't be so easy-hoisting the sails is hard work! Francesco and Emily then try to figure out a way to keep their drinks from tipping over, as they build a "steady tray." In the galley, Shing Ying bakes up some tasty apple brownies! When they reach the cove, the ZOOMers take a dip. Zoom 00:28 #702 [TVY] (DVS) There's some high-flying paper airplane action in Airport, today's ZOOMgame! Viewers then get to "ZOOM In On" Nick, one of the show's new cast members and an avid rollerblader. In ZOOMsci, the ZOOMers figure out how to be super-sleuths by lifting fingerprints. And in the ZOOMplayhouse, Detective Tubesock Jones tries to solve the mystery of the sugar overdose in "Whodunit?!". Zoom 00:28 #703 [TVY] (DVS) X (or O!) marks the spot in the Tic-Tac-Toe relay! Shing Ying then teaches viewers a simple and delicious way to make bruscetta. Bradley F. is today's ZOOMguest, a pilot-in-training who's on his way up! In ZOOMsci, the ZOOMers build some machines that launch. sneakers? And if you want to see a brave Australian adventurer confront the dangerous Woolly Bear, you won't find it on "The Caterpillar Hunter!". Zoom 00:28 #704 [TVY] (DVS) The show opens with the Balloon Change Relay, a funny game where the ZOOMers race to put on winter clothes and keep a balloon in the air. Then viewers get to find out What's Up at Yellowstone Park! Emily and Francesco make Jungle Bars, a tasty-healthy-high-energy Znack. In ZOOMsci, the kids build a survival raft out of cups and balloons. Can it keep Taylor dry? Jim and Judy return this season, and, as usual, Jim's confused-this time at the movies! And in ZOOMplayhouse, the ZOOMers go on Gross Factor. Who's not grossed out by the Rat Box? Zoom 00:28 #705 [TVY] (DVS) In today's episode of ZOOM the kids hop right to it. in the Leapfrog relay! Nick, Noreen and Shing Ying improve upon their baseball skills when they each construct a Rainbow Rocket Bat. Viewers then go on a sweet adventure with Emily to a cookie factory! In the first of a four-part science series, the students of Edgewood Elementary School in Maryland inspect their schoolyard habitat. They're trying to get their school certified by the National Wildlife Federation! And finally in ZOOMplayhouse, the Taxi Driver turns right and won't bear left. Would you turn left if there's a bear on the left?! And in the first installment of ZOOM 70's Flashbacks, Bernadette shows the audience how to do her Arm Thing. 30 years later! Zoom 00:28 #706 [TVY] (DVS) Move over Michelangelo, here comes Francesco hosting the ZOOMgame, Sculpt Charades! In CafeZOOM, Emily and Taylor blend up two cool treats, Fruit Freezies and Kiwi-Mango Sorbet, that are just too cool. In ZOOMsci, viewers get to see the second installment of the Edgewood Elementary schoolyard certification series, where the students make decisions about their school habitat, and then meet a few thousand cicadas! Finally in ZOOMplayhouse, Abe Norman fixes up This Old Place. sort of! Zoom 00:28 #707 [TVY] (DVS) In today's opening ZOOMgame, you don't get tagged, your balloon gets stomped in Balloon Tag! Emily then whips up some Fruit S'mores that are tasty and sweet, and don't need marshmallows or fire. Next comes the third installment of the Edgewood Elementary schoolyard certification series, where the students plant, build and beautify! And Irv Stevens the Caterpillar Hunter is back, grappling with giraffes, lions and. polar bears? Wait a minute! Zoom 00:28 #708 [TVY] (DVS) If viewers want instructions on how to get soaked, they should check out the Blindfolded Water Balloon Catch! Then Emily, Shing Ying and Taylor create some lovely jewelry. out of potatoes! Next comes the final installment of the Edgewood Elementary series. The students find out if their schoolyard gets approved by the National Wildlife Federation! And finally in ZOOMplayhouse, Goldilocks returns! She goes by Goldi now, and she has her own home makeover show. Will the bears be happy to see her? Zoom 00:28 #709 [TVY] (DVS) In the Feather Blow Relay, the ZOOMers try not to get winded! Then Nick and Noreen carve up a Watermelon Guy who's funny, healthy and yummy! In ZOOMsci, Kyle and Emily design a device that keeps their camping food safe from hungry bears! And finally, Joke Girl saves the day defeating a monster with corny joke power! And finally in the ZOOM 70's Flashback, the old school ZOOMers play a game called " Cracker Whistle." They stuff their faces with crackers and race to be the wacky whistling winner! Zoom 00:28 #710 [TVY] (DVS) See the supreme snow sports spectacular-The ZOOMer Winter Olympics! Who will get the cardboard gold? Next, viewers "ZOOM In On" Noreen as she visits a water treatment plant. Then back at the studio, the ZOOMers calculate how much water they use up in Shower Estimation. They also test their ZOOMer detangling skills in Pretzel. And Jim and Judy are back! This time Jim has a home decor problem-all these coats are making it hard to paint! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The show emphasizes teamwork, healthy competition and cooperation. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. The science segment addresses water conservation, and includes problem solving using data collection and math. Through designing and executing the experiment, the ZOOM cast also test hypotheses, change variables and interpret results. Zoom 00:28 #711 [TVY] (DVS) There's something fishy in the Goldfish Switch, today's opening ZOOMgame! Viewers then learn how to pack perfect pizza pouches in Pizza Pockets. In ZOOMsci, the ZOOMers design their own Mechanical Grabbers to remove trash, which are then tested by Girl Scouts in the Assabet River. And finally, a nasty alien meets his matchà Is it a rubber chicken? Is it a whoopee cushion? No, it's Joke Girl! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Through devising an experiment, the science segment encourages problem solving, innovation in design, and testing hypotheses. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and educates about endangered species. Zoom 00:28 #712 [TVY] (DVS) It's the ZOOM Camping Show! Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes peek at the Season VII cast and see what it takes to become a ZOOMer! This episode has the ZOOMers' audition tapes, their home movies and their reactions to being picked for the show! Every year, after the audition process, the lucky new ZOOMers go to Camp ZOOM. This season the viewers go too! The cast members bond with each other and face many outdoor challenges like the wall, the web, andà the tents! Will the ZOOMers survive the night? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The show emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. The group activities demonstrated how to problem solve by testing hypotheses, changing variables and then interpreting results. Zoom 00:28 #713 [TVY] (DVS) Has Noreen eaten a bug? Has Nick crashed his bike into a parked car? Find out in the ZOOMgame called I Never! Shing Ying then ZOOMs In On cooking wonton soup with chef Ming Tsai! Then in ZOOMsci, the kids filter water and test if it's salty with an electric buzzer. In ZOOMplayhouse, the Doolee Sisters are causing trouble in a restaurant. What DO these crazy ladies like?! And finally, ZOOM flashes back to the 70's with Ann and her Ubbi Dubbi flubbies! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Through devising an experiment, the science segment encourages problem solving, innovation in design, and testing hypotheses. The segment offers an exploration of electricity and the principles of conductivity. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. Zoom 00:28 #714 [TVY] (DVS) The show opens with Casting Call, a fancy (and funny) version of Simon Says. Then viewers meet an Alaskan girl who flies over glaciers, catches salmon, and cooks it in the ground! In ZOOMsci, Kyle and Nick use paper chromatography to determine who wrote a secret message. And in ZOOMplayhouse, the ZOOMers love the Mystery Drink. But what's in it? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Through devising an experiment, the science segment encourages problem solving, testing hypotheses and analyzing data. The segment offers an exploration of chromatography and describes the forces of adhesion and cohesion. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. Zoom 00:28 #715 [TVY] (DVS) Steeeerike! In today's episode of ZOOM, viewers will by bowled over by Mixed Up Bowling! Francesco and Shing Ying learn how to make homemade paper in ZOOMsci. Then Francesco visits a recycling plant to see how paper gets sorted and distributed, and he learns all about conservation. Then Abe Norman of "This Old Place" fixes a dresser-sort of! In the ZOOMzinger, Kyle and Emily try to step through an index card! And in the ZOOMplayhouse, Nick drives a hard bargain in "Wanna Buy a Duck?" Will he put it on his bill? EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The show explores the issue of recycling through a visit by a cast member to a recycling plant and by creating homemade paper from old newspaper. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. Zoom 00:28 #716 [TVY] (DVS) Viewers have to stick around for the opening ZOOMgame: the Tape Relay! Francesco then builds a tasty, healthy - car? In ZOOMsci, Taylor and Nick send each other secret codes with Scytale Messages. Jim and Judy are back, and this time Jim can't measure the height of a piece of wood. And finally in ZOOMplayhouse, Abe Norman fixes a washing machine in This Old Place. It works perfectly for people who like plaid! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The show emphasizes teamwork and cooperation. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. The science segment includes an experiment that promotes problem solving through changing variables and analyzing outcomes. The visit to an architect's office exposes viewers to the career of a person who designs buildings. Zoom 00:28 #717 [TVY] (DVS) The 200th episode of ZOOM starts with blindfolded ZOOMers guessing what's gross in the Guessing Game! Noreen then prepares a delicious cultural Znack called raita. Viewers meet a ZOOMguest who learns how to be an awesome veterinarian! Noreen and Shing Ying then discover how to distill water by the power of the sun. In the ZOOMplayhouse, viewers see what happens when you run out of gas in Ubbi Dubbi City. You get a glass? And a bass?? And finally, ZOOM flashes back to the 70's once again with some of the best fly jokes ever! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: Through devising an experiment, the science segment encourages problem solving, testing hypotheses and analyzing data. The segment offers an exploration of water distillation and the evaporation and condensation of liquids. The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service and concern about the environment. Zoom 00:28 #718 [TVY] (DVS) Is Francesco a penguin? Is Taylor a monkey? Is Emily a bathroom? They might be in Guess Who! Next comes a survival science challenge where the ZOOMers design and build their own tents. Then the ZOOMers respond to viewer letters asking about their cultures. And in ZOOMplayhouse, a rude customer gets what she deserves in Chez Donut! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. Through devising an experiment, the science segment encourages problem solving, innovation in design, and testing hypotheses. The segment offers an example of how to create a prototype of a design project. Zoom 00:28 #719 [TVY] (DVS) In the Newlybud Game, viewers and ZOOMers get to know each other a little better! In the ZOOMdo, the cast works together on building a giant Group Picture Project, and they don't know what it is till it's done! In ZOOM In On, Noreen gets some ornate Mendhi designs on her hands. In ZOOMsci, Shing Ying and Kyle construct periscopes, the perfect tool for spying on a sibling! And Jim and Judy return! This time Jim is stuck--on a horse! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service and concern for the environment. The science segment encourages problem solving, innovation in design, and testing hypotheses. The segment also offers an exploration of how to use light and mirrors to create reflections. Zoom 00:28 #720 [TVY] (DVS) In the series finale, everyone is swept off their feet by Broom Soccer! In ZOOMsci, Kyle and Shing Ying dismantle a flashlight and construct their own. The ZOOMguest is an incredible rock climber who rises to the top! Then Kyle and Taylor make some beautiful marbleized paper using food coloring and shaving cream! The final play of the season, the ZOOMers surely find pleasin'. The title they use is the Limerick News. This play has both rhyme and reason! And in the last ZOOM segment ever, ZOOM flashes back to the 1970's where a particular prince doesn't want to save the princess! EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The ZOOM Into Action segment encourages volunteerism and community service. Through designing their own flashlight, the science segment encourages problem solving, innovation in design, and testing hypotheses. The segment offers an exploration of electric circuits and the principles of conductivity.
Making of Zoom Go behind-the-scenes with the cast and crew of ZOOM to see what the making of the series entails. The Season 1 ZOOMers show viewers the hard work, fun, and frolic that goes on when the ZOOM cameras go off. Features footage from the cast's first auditions, hilarious outtakes, bloopers and blunders from rehearsals and taping sessions, and rare home videos of the cast on and off the set. Winner of the 1999 Platinum Award by the prestigious Oppenheim Toy Portfolio. ZOOM: AMERICA'S KIDS RESPOND (aired Thursday, Sep 27, 2001) Produced to speak to kids' concerns in the aftermath of last week's events. In addition to footage of some of the ZOOM kids sharing with their families and the viewers how this has impacted their lives, ZOOM: AMERICA'S KIDS RESPOND will include kids' emails as well as activities, to allow kids across the country to share how they are feeling, what they are thinking and how they are responding locally in their communities and nationally. A special section of the ZOOM website called "ZOOM Responds" has been set up, including advice for kids and parents and caregivers.