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Zoomers Wiki

Elena Shieh (born February 5, 1991) was a former cast member on ZOOM from the seasons 5 through 7.

Favorite photograph[]

I like all the photographs of when I used to skate. There's one with me on a podium and I have two medals and I'm holding a small bear I received from my coach.

The coolest gift ever[]

My parents gave me a computer. It was great because I use it every day and I write plays with it, get red envelopes, and eat sticky cakesl

A few talents[]

I can speak Mandarin Chinese fluently, a little bit of French, and Pig Latin, if that counts! I can also make a 3-leaf clover with my tongue. I write and eat with my right hand, but I'm a lefty when I play some sports.

More about me[]

My family is hard working, intelligent, and determined. They are really supportive of what I do. One of the things we like to do is go to the beach together. Even though we don't go that often we always have fun picnicking in the sand. We also have a couple of family traditions. Every Chinese New Year, my sisters and I get red envelopes and eat sticky cakes!

Outfits she wore on ZOOM[]

Season 5[]

Shing Ying wore a green t-shirt and blue overalls. (Much like what Caroline wore in season 2)

Season 6[]

Shing Ying wore a blue t-shirt. In the Fannee Doolee segments, she wore a green short and gray vest over her shirt.

Season 7[]

Shing Ying wore braces and a short sleeved pink blouse.


  • In Shing Ying's ZOOM out story, she wore the same orange and black sleeved shirt from the show's 5th season intro. In her story, she admits that she was not a good hitter in baseball. So, she goes behind the scenes and learns about the secret into a hitting a home run.
  • Shing Ying is of Chinese descent.
  • Has two older sisters named Emily and Erica.Erica.

